
Chalk this up as another one of my random downloads that turned into a mini-obsession. I was doing my weekly check of sordomusic and downloaded this on a whim. I expected to hate it and delete it like I usually do with random downloads, but this time I was completely blown away. I guess you could describe them as a mixture of Woods and Jonquil with a hint of Skygreen Leopards. Uplifting folk with a bit of a freaky side and an absolute joy to listen to it from beginning to end. My only complaint is it ends just far too quickly, I guess that always happens when you listen to something you enjoy so much. Listen to this album, buy this album and attend as many shows as possible. We need them to release a follow-up.
Buy: They don't have an online distributor yet,
so send five dollars to:
Buy: They don't have an online distributor yet,
so send five dollars to:
Screech Owls
202 Grove St.
Montclair, NJ

Simply put, this is the greatest ambient release since Marsen Jules' Herbstlaub. Together, Brendon Anderegg and Koen Holtkamp create waves of sound that ebb and flow while slowly mixing together instruments and field recordings. All of this happens so naturally and seamlessly that it feels almost natural, not man made. I know that sounded hippy as fuck but I don't care. Listen to this fucking album.

Carey Mercer has finally created something all his own. Light Flows the Putrid Dawn, his first solo release as Blackout Beach is an fantastic album, unfortunately, it really doesn't sound that much different from earlier Frog Eyes releases. Of course, that isn't a bad thing, but I guess I was always expecting something... different. With his latest release Mercer was able to sound like nothing else out there right now. This album embodies Carey perfectly, and it is nothing short of astounding. That being said, 'Biloxi, In A Grove, Cleans Out His Eyes' is one of the greatest songs ever recorded.

This band is finally gaining some well deserved publicity. This is the type of album that has a lot going on, but everything seems perfectly in place and never overwhelming. Wonderfully layered vocals along with guitars, hand claps, violin, cello, piano, banjo and double bass make you forget some of the other bigger named artists in this genre. With their next release coming in February, I know it's only a matter of time before they start getting name dropped by everyone.
I was really expecting to hate this album, mostly from the comparison to The Twilight Sad and a buddy of mine making fun of their opening track. Surprising enough, I fell nearly instantly in love with it. Each song has so much atmosphere without being suffocating or overtly pretentious. They take the best parts of great post-rock and shoegaze bands and make something all their own. This album is massive.

I posted this album back in July and it has done nothing but grow on me. This is on par with some of the finest release from the likes of Rachel's, Sylvain Chauveau, Hauschka and Max Richter. An absolute incredible record for being his first full-length release. I am anxiously waiting to see what he does next.

To be honest, I didn't have any hope for this record. I am simply not of fan of Molina's Magnolia Electric Co. and Will Johnson hasn't been that consistent for me. I guess I was one of those pathetic Songs: Ohia fans who longed for the darker and much more dreary days. Molina displaying his soul for the world to see and absolutely crushing any positive feelings you had. Despite all of that, I decided to give this album a try and I am fucking glad I did. It's like we stepped back to early '00s and Molina is back to his old self. Johnson is the perfect partner and as they sing and croon their way through the album, you can imagine yourself sitting right next to them by the fire. It's an almost embarrassingly personal album, the type we've long missed. Please, please, please make another album like this Jason. I beg of you.

Owen Ashworth had quite the daunting task of creating a follow-up to the acclaimed Etiquette. I wasn't quite sure he could capture the simplicity and infectiousness found in Etiquette. Luckily, my doubts were proven unfounded and what he ended up creating was and album that surpassed it in almost every way. One of the most infectious albums I've listened to in recent years, this album didn't leave my car's stereo for three months.
What else really needs to be said about this incredible album? After a few years of ignoring his releases, I finally decided to give him a listen only to get completely blindsided by how talented this man truly is. It's been quite a few years since a single artist has completely dominated my listening time as thoroughly as this man has.
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