Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dragon Turtle - Almanac

Dragon Turtle is a new project by Brian Lightbody and Tom Asselin of Lewis and Clarke. Released on the peculiar albeit wonderful label/collective that is La Société Expéditionnaire, it fits perfectly alongside artists such as The Black Swans, Strands of Oaks and Matt Bauer. With a central theme of nature and the beauty and brutality of it all, they blur the lines between several genres swaying back and forth between folk, post-rock and even world music.

"Casualty" starts this journey with quiet drums, a soft guitar and hushed voice that seems to be struggling to be heard, but is afraid to awaken whatever is slumbering in the distance. What starts so serene, eventually weaves into an amalgamation of sharp keys, chunky guitars and a distant piano. The album continues to gently swim back and forth with natural ambience of "Belt of Venus" to the nearly eleven minute long post-rock tinged opus that is "Hourglass".

Refusing to follow any ruleset, Almanac's rich atmosphere of natural and man-made sounds end up creating rich textures that almost become tangible. Because of this, it will most likely draw the most comparison to the The Glow Pt. 2 by the Microphones even though Almanac seems a much more focused and precise effort.

Dragon Turtle - Almanac


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